DanielK Audigy Support Pack 5.0 Included in the pack: Fixes and improvements: Supports the following 32/64bit systems: Release Notes: WINDOWS 8.1 UPDATE 1 DOES NOT SAVE SETTINGS. OpenAL 2D benchmark in RightMark 3DSound crashes your system. There is no DirectSound hardware acceleration on Windows XP 64.
Mac outlook archive missing. When possible, for Microsoft Windows users, we try to have drivers available for download through Windows Update for many of our products. For those products, simply plugging in your device should cause your PC to download and install drivers automatically if your PC has Internet access.
For Mac OS X users with supported products, if a driver is not provided by the operating system, they must be downloaded and installed. For Linux/Unix users, support varies widely by product, kernel version, and OS distribution.
Click a product category below for driver downloads and installation instructions:
USB Laptop/Tablet Docking Stations | USB Graphics Adapters | Thunderbolt 3 Docking Stations & Graphics Adapters | USB Network & WiFi Adapters | USB Serial Adapter | USB 2.0 Bluetooth 4.0 LE Adapter |
USB Windows Transfer Cables | USB Microscope | MultiSeat Terminals | USB 3.0 PCI-e expansion card | Other or I’m not sure |
No driver or software installation required:
USB Hubs, Switches, & Extensions | USB 3.0 SATA Drive Docks | USB Media Card Readers | USB Audio | USB Keyboards & Mice | Other or I’m not sure |
Firmware Updates:
USB 3.0 Hubs & USB 3.0 Docking Stations | USB 3.0 SATA Hard Drive Docks |